Saturday, January 21, 2012

A simple snow storm

It snowed all week...well it snowed, then it froze, then it blew, then it rained frozen, then it rained normal.

We were to have our semester exams this week but all had to be postponed. I have no idea how we are exactly going to make up for all that we missed but the amazing will be all right. My car, kermit, lost its place in the garage due to the Mercedes we were selling and somehow it lost some of its new car shine with its snow-cap.

The one day before it became very uncomfortable, the day before the wind came straight from the throat of the icy tundra, it was still, beautiful and white. The fire was burning, and we were gently restrained by powers outside of our choices. One wind, one snowstorm, one week of a simple weather system and nothing can go on as normal.

Makes you wonder how much control we have really about anything. Like the snow at the end of this lilac bush...precariously balanced, at the whims of the wind, but oh so spectacular in its simplicity.
Precious is our life...

Something sacred

Into the crisp night sky, these Chinese lanterns floated quietly and quickly. As we craned our heads to see them float away so gently and then just as quickly disappear, so incredible lovely and so incredible sad.
We were, I guess, celebrating the short, very short life of Bonnie Alaska, born November and died in January...just as quickly and quietly.
How does one mourn a baby well? It seems the hardest of all funerals for it is all hope gone. I heard it say when you loose a parent, you grieve the past; when you loose a spouse you grieve your present; when you loose a child you grieve your future. Always these sayings...always trying to wrap a mind around death.

There is so little to say, but this lantern lighting up this crisp cold night seemed to say it well.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A snowy Saturday

It is nice to wake up to snow here in Lynden Town. I don't know if it will shut anything will down but it is here nonetheless. Snow days are most appreciated, though, when they fall on a school day. Snow days on a school day is like a gift of a day where nothing is expected but rest and play , maybe what a Sabbath day was supposed to be.
Our pastor is preaching on how to keep Sabbath and it has made me think on what exactly a Sabbath day looks like for our family. It was/is important to God, it has become one of the less important commandments to us. In our freedom from rules amercian style christianity...we seem to pick and choose what we think is important to keep no matter what God may say about it all. He thought keeping a Sabbath was REALLY important...right up there with not killing, or stealing or committing adultery which we think is REALLY important.
In our efficient way of doing things we have condensed Sabbath to a two hour Service in the morning and if we really want to keep Sunday a 2 hour service Saturday night. I know Sabbath is its fundamental self. I also know that no matter what day we designate as Sabbath it looks a lot like a normal Saturday, errands, chores and catch up.
The reason we like a snow day in the middle of the week is because what we were supposed to accomplish suddenly is not can all wait and we can sit around with each other and play and rest and enjoy. That's Sabbath!

Monday, January 9, 2012

For those we dislike.....

This morning I realized that God loves those I dislike as much as He loves me...At times, it would be great if HE was on my side of things...But He isn't... This changes how I proceed. (sigh)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Have you ever...

Had one of those feelings where all of a sudden it seems you are walking on the edge of a precept? As I was going to bed last night, anxiety seemed to overwhelm me and this is what it sounded like in my head.

#1. Is this this all I am going to be doing for the rest of me life? Is this enough? Am I ever going to see the ruins of ancient cities or will I always be sitting here in Lynden town?
#2. Are my kids really OK? Are they hiding things from me and really not doing as well as I think they are? Are they deceptive and sneaky?
#3. Has the potential for what can be done and what is being done diverging paths and all that is, is the routine of sleeping, eating, going work and watching TV?
#4. Is all the adventure behind me and if it presented itself in front of me would I be too afraid to go?

These are such common refrains running in my head on any given day but last night it was an orchestrated refrain, with all stanza's humming. I thank God for sleeping medicine...or I would still be holding tight to the bedsheets.
I am sure you are wondering why I have not included my relationship with God in the mix of it all? I wonder myself.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And we are off......

It was so nice to be away from it all for 10 days. It is good to be back in a routine ,though, where I can eat a bit better, exercise a bit more consistently and get things done that need to get done. I sit here in my room with Mandarin being spoken quickly and enthusiastically around me...they also had a great break and if they are ready to be here...I don't know but being away gave them some life. One boy gained a pound a day while in about missing home cooking. He even took some pictures on his camera to remember. I also get gifts from my students...this always surprises me. From clothes to tea to tofu meat ... I am grateful. I have some tea in front of me that looks as if I am drinking spinach. I need to find a proper tea pot.

2012 is here and so far I am hoping to change some things. I innocently asked Scott the other day what he would like to change about me if he could. Did not know this would be painful to hear. I am too critical about is hard on him and my daughter...I can not and will not do this anymore. These are the questions that we need to ask at the start of every year. Not what I would like to change about myself...but those whom I love the most, what would they like to see change. You may be I was what my husbands resolution would be for me.

Here is to change that matters....