Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Why have I not heard from most of you? Mijo took this picture and I have no idea if the 'look' is because she was taking my picture or that I was contemplating some abstract thought...no, it was because she was taking my picture. It has been quiet out there in virtual space and don't really know what is going on with you who read this blog. So drop me a note, post on the site something...I am missing you.


Among Worlds said...

I've been following your blog since the beginning - but haven't left many comments. I just love seeing Irian through your now-adult eyes! So please don't think that no one is reading your blog - because I certainly am! I check every single day to see what thoughts you are sharing with us!

about the long and winding road... said...

Margie..thank you for reading..I so wish we had an opportunity to sit and talk and talk and talk....Heidi

Among Worlds said...

Heidi...maybe one day we can talk - and talk - and talk...then refill our coffee and talk some more! :-)


Anonymous said...

Heidi - I'm back from our latest IP event and beginning to gather my life together again. I also check for your blog every day - and enjoy what you write. I understand the loneliness of having no response - my blog is also silent most of the time. I have come to the point that I write - and if no one responses, so be it! Since my blogging is more devotional in nature, I suppose I'm doing it for a different purpose - more to clarify my thinking and exercise my communication skills. If someone benefits, that is a bonus - whether they respond to me or not. Does that make any sense?? - LEW