Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Days, that is until we leave. Take a day or two depending on how flights are worked out. That isn't much.
Nick has strep, Mijo and Scott are fighting a cold, it hasn't rained hard enough in awhile, the smoke from the fires are making it hazy and since the seniors are on their senior trip some of my classes are half full. All this to say that we have only 58 more days to get it all done.

I think the dreaded distance thing has begun. I was told at the start of the year that near the end for those who are leaving people here start distancing themselves. I think this is happening because slowly but surely I am having less conversations with people. Maybe I am doing the distancing or..we are both doing it together. In either case...everyone has started to leave even though no one has left yet and we have 58 more days of leaving to go. It is going to get quiet around here!


Anonymous said...

Hi Prices - I'm embarrased to admit I haven't stumbled upon your blog in awhile. But it sounds like your plates have been full.

Your comments about people "pushing away" remind me of my waning weeks while living in Manila. My unsolicited advice: try not to do the "coundown" thing. As soon as that process starts, you've basically got one foot on the airplane already; others start pushing away, because they see that you're doing the same.

I've seen others do things like: schedule mini-deadlines along the way (to have short-term goals to look forward to); stagger their goodbyes over a few weeks; throw parties for neighbors (take the reigns of your goodbye process); stuff like that. Enjoy the process...

Anonymous said...

I have followed your journey from the beginning - and have loved it! I am friends of your dad and Elf and have been praying for you all (even tho I haven't written).

Just wondering if as an Mk you found you didn't make long-term friends when furloughing? I know a number who operate this way because there are so many good-byes. Perhaps your experiences then color your expectations now. I am praying you all through this process. I like Phil's advice.. seems practical, but then what do I know.
As I said - I am praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to both of you...Good advice Phil...if I will take it and do it....some of what I do seems unconscience as well as everyone else in this community. I think it is ok to protect yourself in some way. Heidi