Sunday, January 20, 2008

OE/Mission trip for MK's

As a high school we are going on a mission trip or what they like to call it here OE, outdoor education. Those of you who are familiar with what OE looks like in the States...this is not the same beast. If you have gone on a mission trip to Mexico or in one of the South American countries with your youth group for a week or two..this is what our OE looks like. We are all going to a village about an hours flight away from here..Eipomek, the same village Scott went to earlier. We are going to work on projects, teach kids club, walk to another village for several days to do kids club, walk back do so more and then come home. We will be gone for 12 days. This is a HUGE undertaking. Think going to the Mbua except instead of just the 6 of us, think 80 people flying in on little airplanes all before 9 AM in the morning. Cooking for all of us on a wood stove and camping equipment and no store to go to if something is forgotten.

I am really looking forward to this..I have a great group of kids (9), Scott is coming along as well so it is something we can both experience, I get to learn another tribes way of life and enjoy roughing it for 12 more days. This time though it is a bit on the rougher then what we did in the Mbua, same rain but no fireplace and sleeping in one room with 50+ other girls plus the whole hygiene thing with river water to wash and a hole in the ground for the other. So...again I will post as much as I can this week and then I will be out till the 8th of February. Please pray...good health and good attitudes.


Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at your level of enthusiasm for "roughing it" - bless you. I have a lot of questions:
-what do you specifically have to prepare for?
-what is your responsibility while out there?
-what do you know about the sleeping conditions in this village? In the other one that you walk to?
-How do Mijo and Nicky feel about their parents heading off like this, especially after their Christmas events. How can we be praying for them?

I look forward to the stories you will have when you get back.

Anonymous said...

OE was always the highlight of the year! In fact, I believe HIS went to Eipomak the year my family was on furlough, in 1999. My friends loved it.

Bless you for your commitment to those kids, I know some of the teachers didn't look forward to it nearly as much as us kids did!