Saturday, January 12, 2008

When do you go back?

Yesterday we went back to Kali Beru..remember the place that Mijo cut her foot? Anyway, Scott had never gone so with some friends off we went. Let me back track a moment. The weather has been strange lately. It is normal for here but since this is our first January here not so normal. It is the windy season and we are talking gust up to 30-40mph all day and all night long. We were thinking of going to the beach instead but because of the wind the beach is not the best bet. SO off we went. The weather was cloudy but it seemed to be breaking up...seemed being the operative word here. The trip takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes of windy twisty road that my kids get sick on every time. About 30 minutes into the ride it started to rain. SO...when do you go back and when do you press on? Since the idea was to go swimming..we were going to get wet anyway..we kept going. There was quite a large group that went and when we all got there, the older folks sat under the pondok (hut) and the kids had a great time. We did not have to worry about sunscreen, the water was much higher so the jump wasn't that scary, the river ran a bit faster so the ride down was a bit more challenging..all in all not bad.
On the way home we decided to take a detour to look at some Japanese graves. It seems that during the WWII, when the Japanese fled from the Allies about 3000 (may not know the number exactly for all you war buffs) of these soldiers were left to fend for themselves in the jungles. The Papuan were told to kill every Japanese soldier they could find and in return they were going to get paid from the Americans. These people have a long seems that the Americans never paid for the many Japanese that were killed. When we were asking where these graves were..they kept asking if we were Americans. Fortunately..the family we were with are Germans so reparations for the Japanese deaths will have to made by other Americans who wander way back in this place to see the graves. By the way..expectations versus reality. A graveside usually is marked, here it was a section of ditch and road. The men knew exactly which side of the ditch and were willing to dig it up for us to see...we thanked them for the information and drove away.
If we had gone back because of the rain..what stories we would have missed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! I love your writing style!! You didnt mention how sick everyone was! And then that the big group ran out of gas on that twisty, windy road! I will never go back to that place again.