Saturday, April 11, 2009


We have had spring break here in little ole dutch town. We had enough warm weather to encourage the tulips to open up their hearts and I got my hands dirty cleaning up the flower beds. Enough sun to remind this corner of the world that it is time to change seasons and let the flowers out. The darkness of the winter, the unending rain goes quietly into the night and we are reborn in spring.
It isn't hard to wax on and on about spring because the hope is so needed after the gloom of winter. For me ,particularly, who wants to curl up tight in a fetal position when it gets cold, the spring gives me permission to change.
In the tropics there is no season except the dry and wet season. There are no remarkable events to usher one season onto the next and months are only distinguished by holidays. Don't get me wrong... I would live in warm every day if I could but there is something life giving about the change of season.
Spring helps me change, gives me perspective, lets me anticipate, makes me more aware, slows me down, heightens my senses, makes me restless, motivates me to clean house and soul, and wakes me up from my winter slumber.
It is also the season that begins with amazingly appropriate. There is nothing as stark as winter or as fresh as Spring. There is nothing more stark as death or as fresh as new birth...both are Easter.
It is time to be reborn this Spring; let the olds things pass away and make a way for the new.

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