Thursday, August 30, 2012

And we are off....

There is a minute in the middle of the day where the new IS are safely in classes, I have prepared enough for the classes I am teaching today and I have responded to all emails...
Breath.....In and out, in and out, in and out.

I sat in a daze in front of our TV last night and realized how things don't ever start slowly in is gun shot start and we are off to the races. I have to be careful or I will wear myself out on the first's all about pacing. Up and down times, TV and conversation, running and sitting, reading and facebooking, quilting and gardening, cooking and eating out...the rhythm of school life and knowing it is all good in the balance.
Like this house on the top of a ski lift, waiting for the snow to make sense of its place, I have to be careful that what I do isn't what makes sense of who I am.  I can take busyness as a sign that I am significant or that I am doing significant things...neither is the case.
Breath...In and out. Love more, listen intently, laugh often, taste my food, enjoy my coffee, look to lighten anothers load...In and out.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a little bit of that

A little bit more of  random events on our trip northeast.

My husband turned 50, smack in the middle of the time here...could not celebrate better than with Elfrieda and Dad...they had him unwrap 50 gifts...I do love this soul.

Driving back we drove into the Rockies in the evening...caught a glimpse of heaven...and sleeping giants. Next time you drive, find the sleeping faces in the outline of the will make you laugh.

When a car drove by and told us a wide load was wasn't kidding.

The amazing sisters...really remarkable friendship these women have had over their is enviable.

My father and husband...two men who love me dearly...I am so blessed.

A little bit of this...

Some bits of our trip to Saskatoon town and back
The old lady was breaking up again...and that isn't me...that would be our wonderful but cranky Mercedes. Traveled like a dream, until it decided to overheat. Well, that could be me as well :) I'm waiting for Scott to get some coolant in Medicine Hat.
We were watching these Ukrainian dancers and I started to cry. It is a strange, I mean really a strange aspect of unresolved grief. Needless to say, Scott looked at me and said" Menopause"." No" I said..".dancing Ukrainians always make me cry"....(that old overheating lady again)
So the last stretch of our trip home, this old Dame decides to blow a tire....she was nice enough to have it happen overnight while we were in the hotel in Revelstoke.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

These days

I was going to write and ponder much more than I have. It is now the end of the summer and I'm not ready at all for school to begin. We just came back from my one week away and it was grand. There is an anxiety that curls around the start of this new school year and I just wish I was more excited. Mijo and Nick have come back from their family in MI...Curtiss family. I may be ready to talk about him in light of their discovery of his family. And they are such a good family. This week I will begin that yearly transition from summer to fall, being busy. It has been not so much these past weeks. Busy is overrated and too often a road to live on rather than an intersection to avoid. We place too much pride in doing too many things and no matter how much we think it's not healthy or good we add 'busy' to our cart. As if the more we do the more important we are. I'm not buying it anymore...selfish ambition has some roots in being busy. Do nothing from selfish ambition... A most important reminder this week before school.