I remember this day quite well...long ago and far away but the exhaustion and stress was starting to overwhelm. I am not stressed and overwhelmed at the moment, I am trying to come to terms with the idea of getting older which was beginning its toll on this day. All the cliches being what they are...what makes me pause is the unknown of age; health, wealth and opportunity.
Both Scott and I work hard, well him a bit harder than I, at exercising and eating right. Even after the horse accident which I thought would hinder me , I feel rather healthy and relatively able to do all that life expects of me. Who knows what will happen financially....both kids are reaching college years and that can't be easy on the bank account. What I wonder is will we still have opportunity? Will things still open up for us? Are we where we will be till we aren't? Does ageing bring such angst to most people? Is there a group I can attend that will help in the transition?
"Hello, my name is Heidi...I getting older and don't know how to stop."
Is there a 12 step program to deal with the inevitable?
Mijo spoke in chapel yesterday. She is on the cusp on all that will be. So much ahead of her, so much to happen and live and learn. She has had such a relatively simple life and as a result carries such little baggage into the great beyond. It could have been so different for her with the death of Curtiss and his drinking but that was in a time before strong memory. She carries hope and expectations and longing...I watch in curiosity. "So this is what normal looks like?'
I am grateful and a bit in awe of how good normal can be. I do not envy her youth...but I wonder how I would have worn normal, and how now I would look at what lies before. Would it be any different or is the baggage I carry still a hindrance?
I am getting there..I just wonder where there is...