Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The simplicity of trust

It started in the garden when the enemy asked Eve if she could really trust God...really? Are you sure and in the end ...she wasn't.
 My life is full of people I trust and for this I am grateful. I trust Scott and when he leaves for a month I simply just miss him. I am not worried about his comings and goings...I am so grateful for this trust.
When my son tells me he is going to spend the evening at....... I know he is, I go to sleep at night knowing he will come home when he told me he would or let me know otherwise.

Because I trust, I have so much more time to worry about other things :).

So, what is it about trusting God that 1. I find so confusing and 2. difficult ? 
I don't know what it is about my life that God is responsible to work out? What am I responsible for?
Do I wait for Him to show me another way, or do I make another way trusting that He has given me the brain power to choose?  When I ask God to keep safe those I I trust Him to do that, or am I trusting Him that no matter what, He is in control...and if that is the case...Why do I pray for safety?
Trust is the foundation of faith...but it ends up not being so simple or in fact is it the simplest thing in the world.  I watch a baby in the arms of her Dad...she sleeps, she trusts that he will not drop her and that he will keep her close. She doesn't even know she is trusting...she has no other way to feel.
I want my faith to be that simple...I really do.

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