Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just like that...

I just came back from Thetis Island because Mijo finished her year there. I swear...well, if I swore...we JUST DROPPED her off! AND we just started school and this picture was taken just yesterday when in fact it was taken 2 years ago. WHAT IS GOING ON with time.

I lay my head on the pillow every night and there is this anxiety that I am missing life because it is going by too fast for me to enjoy.

I remember thinking when the kids started school that 12 years looked like a long time down the road. I know those of us in this age in the middle are hanging on, with fingers grasping the edge of  the proverbial clock and wishing we were more masters of when and how time passes.

 I don't know how to be OK with times uncaring march into the future. Time is every one's reality, friend and enemy.

Time is God' s metronome; limited, consistent, persistent...meticulously measuring the beginning and end of His intervention in this world from every sunrise to every sunset.
Until one stops. There is then no more sunrise and more measuring , no more waiting and rushing. No more...
When I lay my head on the pillow and feel anxiety, it may be that I am longing for a timeless reality that is written in my heart...a taste of eternity left there as a promise.

1 comment:

Sharon said...


Love your comments here. This is my reality right now. Today I had a wonderful visit from a dear couple who as young teens we met in our first church. I match-maked them and my husband performed their marriage. They are now new grandparents!

While it was fun to re-connect with them, I sat with a sadness in the realization how fast time had gone by and I want to hang on with tight finger tips to the moments so they don't go so fast that I might miss some.

It is comforting to read your post and see I am not the only only one who feels this angst of time!
