Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Being OK with ok

I was sitting next to a teacher-friend of mine and he was asking me how I was doing. "I'm OK", I said. OK? just OK? I was thinking, Hey...better then bad, buddy.
I'm usually OK, not great but not bad either. Is that OK?
Funny, how when you say a word over and over again it seems to lose its meaning. We really don't want to be OK we want to be doing great. Who doesn't?
But I think there is something really wonderful about being OK. There is a settled but not a settling in...there is a contentment but not a passivity. There is a wrestling but not an agitation. There is a sense of yearning but nor the angst of longing. There is a patience for what may come but not the worry of what won't. There is an anticipation but not a wariness. There is a sadness but not a depression. There is so much in two little letters.
So, it's OK to be OK...


Anonymous said...

I'm happy that you are OK. I'm also OK, a good place to be, right? - lew

Anonymous said...

Thanks Heidi for sharing your thoughts on being OK. I couldn't have voiced it - or written it so well, but that is SO how I feel.