Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mocha's visa

She is a funny animal. I was using this old visa for a book mark and had put it down as I read. Mocha is sneaky in that whatever she thinks is important and accessible she will attempt to procure. Then the game is on...she runs away, we chase and she is a happy happy dog. Her delight is our attention no matter what she has to do to get it. Lately, her MO is stealing whatever we have just used and is small enough to put in her mouth.
I gave her a chew bone the other day. Her very own 'Precious' and she has been very Gollum about it. If anyone walks in the room while the bone is near her she growls. If I walk towards her she growls, shakes, picks up her leg, lowers her stance and averts her eyes. Not too long ago she would have peed. She doesn't think it is quite as fun when we take from her what she wants, or delights in the give and take when it is her stuff. It is all fun and games when it is ours, it's all shakes and growls when it is hers.
We are so much better then a dog aren't we? Mocha wants everything ours, hers, fun, in spite, in fear...she just wants it all.
Contentment...That would be the best Christmas Spirit EVER !

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