I think it's the color that attracts me much like the bee. The shape of the petals, the scent...maybe it's everything about the flower. You know that verse that tells us to consider the lily of the field..clothed in splendor...how much more does He care. Mijo asked me the other day what pieces of wisdom would I have wanted to know at her age. That girl knows how to warm my heart :). Of course I had a plethora of things to say but one thing came out of my mouth that surprised me. I said the older I get the harder it is to believe that God loves us. Maybe age brings with it an awareness of how ugly we are as a human race but maybe not even that far out..how ugly I am as a human being and why would God expend any of His extravagant energy on loving any of us.
Then I look at flowers...their extravagant beauty in shape, size and color and all for just a moment. I know the biology of colors and bees etc. but God certainly did not have to make it all work out that way. Not only the flowers we painstakingly grow but the wild meadows of bursting joy for no one but the Creator to enjoy tucked away in the mountain valleys expresses His love in the minutia. If He so meticulously shaped these flowers with the rainbow of colors and shapes and smells...why is it so hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that He finds joy in the beauty He has made in each of us. Granted we do much more then sit around and be beautiful...but maybe God enjoys us as we enjoy His creation in spite of our thorns. I know He hates what makes us ugly but then we do as well...who enjoys ugly?
So summer is a garden of beauty and I will take time to contemplate those flowers in the field, in my garden, in my pictures.
1 comment:
I liked H. Blackaby's thought on "God Will Not Forget"-lew
Daily Devotional for Thursday, July 14th, 2011
Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:15
God never becomes preoccupied or neglectful toward one of His children. God said it would be more likely for a nursing mother to forget the infant at her breast than for Him to forget one of His children! The nursing mother has a keen sensitivity to her baby. Even if the infant is in another room the mother’s senses are in tune with her child. The mother knows when it is time to feed and care for the child. The mother never becomes so preoccupied with other things that she neglects the needs of her child.
It is fitting that God chose this imagery to describe how He looks after His people, for He is more sensitive to the needs of His children than even the most loving mother. He anticipates every cry for help. Even before we can call out in need, God is responding with His answer (Isa. 65:24). This is one of the most comforting promises God has given to us: that He will never forget us.
Don’t let the difficult circumstances you are facing convince you that God has forgotten you. Don’t ever assume that God is more concerned with the needs of other, more significant, more spiritual people than He is with yours. Scripture teaches that God looks upon you with the same love, interest, and concern as a nursing mother would look upon her infant. It should reassure you to know that your Father loves you like that!
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