Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just a few

There are a few minutes from the end of this class to the start of the next. I am bone tired and I wish I had something to show for the flurry of activity. I could not sleep last night or maybe I did sleep but it was so interrupted that it seemed like I didn't. Mijo was up and out early and then there was this and then that and then some more of this. I will not complain, for I truly am grateful for the opportunity I am just plain ole tired. If I keep things in order at school then everything seems to fall apart at home.
I just need a few minutes to get it all in order...home, school and personal. Just a few...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember those bone-weary days when my body screamed for the sleep it hadn't received. Hot flashes did it. Stress did it. The fact that I had to be up at a certain time and locked into a set schedule for over 8 hours did it.

What can I say --- this too will pass?

I don't know if I was told the following but I do know that if the core is strong, the rest will work out. When the core (time with God) is eroded, life wobbles.

Praying for you, Lorraine