Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Have Mercy, Oh God...Have mercy

After my accident with the horse I have lived a reality filled life of knowing how things can change significantly while doing things rather mundane. I rode a horse, I was laid up for a summer. David, my brother, is cutting down a tree and next moment he is suffering trauma from being hit my a spring loaded limb. Just like that everything changes and after that moment you realize how fragile we are. Our bodies break so easily and suddenly plans and expectations are thrown out the window while we wait for bodies to heal. What if's plague and gratefulness floods as we see what could have but didn't. I love that verse in the Psalms when David asks God to remember that we are but dust. Our little dust bodies full of everything and so quickly overwhelmed.
I am praying always these days for God to have Mercy...bring healing, bring rest, bring hope...please remember, Oh mighty Creator of this magnificent body that we are but dust and in need, desperate need of your healing put back together touch.
It is easy to live on edge, so scared of what may happen in the mundane. The routine exam that finds something. The car ride home from work. The simple hike in the woods...fraught with so much danger...I fight this every day and sometime I succumb and sit quietly in my house not wanting to do anything or go anywhere because it may just happen. To trust God for safety isn't an option because it isn't a promise. To trust God is hard in these things...because we have been taught erroniaously that if we pray hard enough we are protected from that arrow by day. It isn't true but we are not alone and that is a promise. All things work together...how it works and how it is good is the mystery of faith and the promise of God.

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