Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bigger on the inside

An undisciplined, self-willed life is puny; an obedient, God-willed life is spacious. (Proverbs 15:32 MSG
When we came home on furlough, inevitable we would watch some science fiction on TV. Watching TV was such a treat since we never watched TV in Papua growing up. My mother was a huge science fiction fan and it was then in the 1970's she introduced me to Dr. Who. A strange and funny science fiction series about time travel and and the Tardis. On the outside this space machine looked like a old fashion phone box but when you went inside it kept on expanding to a much larger dimension. This same series has been reborn and I have introduced it to my daughter who in turn is a much more avid fan then either mom or I ever was. It is really a lot of fun to watch and the Tardis continues to impress by being bigger on the inside while it takes its tenants on the rides of their lives. I have lost some of the metaphor in the explanation but the idea remains the same.
A disciplined life as much as it seems to limit freedom in reality defines freedom. A self-willed life is puny while a God-willed life is spacious. It is much bigger on the inside of the walls of discipline. Someone asked me what my favorite word was...I am not one to have favorites in anything but I really like the word 'no'. When I say no to one thing, I am saying yes to much much more. When I limit my intake of food, I expand my ability to perform. When I limit my activities, I open up the ability to do a few things well. When I say no to lethargy, I open up creativity. When I say no to cynicism, I allow providence to run free throughout my day. When I tell the international students to speak English and NOT to speak their first language, it takes discipline and it is limiting, but it also allows them to expand their horizons here in the US.
So free yourself by limiting yourself...Spacious living is disciplined living.


Anonymous said...

Very good - you convey your thoughts logically and clearly! Best of all, this blog speaks Truth. - lew

Traveller said...

Thanks for this! I needed it today. A gentle reminder (actually, I probably need something more like a kick in the butt, but gentle is easier to take!!). Nice!!

Sharon said...

Just got to this today - and wow it was just what I needed for TODAY - not last Wednesday. Well, I probably needed it then as well but was not ready to receive it!

Yes this is truth. When look at what we need to limit, the necessity at times to say no, I guess we do open up our horizons to so much more - not squelch them!

Good thougts Heidi - as always. Thanks you for sharing this insight! - Sh