Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation,  nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17

I pray the Lords prayer often for the simple reason that often times I have no idea how or what to pray.  It is my template to work from, to work around, to work through.  These days I am praying the Lords prayer often because I have no idea how to pray for all that is going on around me. 
Our Father...Thy kingdom come and Thy will be like it is there. 
Funny, in Luke, Jesus tells us that it isn't a matter of here or there but within. The kingdom of God is within you...His will is within you...I know what the pharisees were asking...they wanted to know when the physical rule of God would come. When would the physical rule of God come and make all things right...
Lately, it seems that God's physical rule is the only thing that will work anywhere. The idea that the Kingdom of God is within me does not give me comfort because I can't seem to make anything right.  I can't erase the bad, the ruined, the destroyed, the wounded, the broken. plain as day Jesus says to me, the Kingdom of God is within you. So does that mean when I pray Thy Kingdom come, I am asking for His will to be done through me not in spite of me or through others? That He limits Himself again to the outworking of His kingdom through the cracked and broken vessel called Heidi, or George, or Harold, or Jane etc. 
 Boy, I wish He didn't or wouldn't...I would rather He take it upon Himself to work outside all of us because we are soooooo not doing any of His kingdom good enough. 

So, practically I need to live out His Kingdom that dwells within. 
How do I do that?
Kind words...practically speaking.

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