Thursday, May 23, 2013

Having a good life

Mijo is coming home soon from her cross Canada ministry trip, Nick is playing soccer at a State championship game, Scott just came home from Montana after 3 weeks and is waiting to start up work here again and I am winding up to wind down after a tumultuous teaching and International Directoring year...if that is even a word. This is the reality of life, moving up, coming back and moving onward again. 

 I was with a student the other day who has decided to do the most difficult, move away from bad habits and friendships to becoming a 'good person'.

I was thinking as she was is really hard to be a 'good person' but it may not be that hard to work for a good life. 1 Peter talks a lot about having the good life... in verse 3:9 " Do you want to love life and see good days?"  as if this is a normal and usual desire.
We keep thinking we need to be good people, but maybe rather then having that as our motivation...we choose to live a certain way not to be a good person, but to love life and see good days. I don't lie not because it makes me a good person, but because honesty makes for a good life. I look for peace and go after it not because I am a good person but I want peace in my life so I resolve conflicts and forgive so I can see good days. As a wife I follow my husband not to be a good wife, but to have a good life with my husband. I don't give in to fear not because I am a better person than those who; those who worry. I don't give in to fear because fear robes me of loving life and seeing good days.

I don't want to be a good person ...I want a good life. A good life means I make choices about my behavior that affects everyone around me...then when they are with me we can live a good life together.

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