Saturday, June 2, 2007

the last.....

We are still looking for renters...and as we begin close to July and right next to August, I am wondering. Not yet worried, not like being worried is going to make things go faster. At the moment I would settle for things to SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW down a bit.
We begin 'the last' syndrome. My children being a bit more aware of good-bye then I but still there is something in realizing that the community of teachers and students will never look the same. I can see the realization in the Seniors as the finality of school comes creeping in their 'I so want to get out of here' attitude. How transient our communities are...I guess we just hold tight as long as we need to, then let go.


Unknown said...

Oh, this sounds like "things are happening"....

I know what you mean about stress and worry. I always "pester" God on the theory that he might not pay attention if I don't repeat myself!

I DO think that God finds us amusing sometimes....

about the long and winding road... said...

Thank you Precious Gay, I so love that you keep up with us.