Sunday, December 2, 2007


Yesterday evening we were walking down memory lane through video's taken way back when Scott and I were dating. One of those memorable moments was Nick in his kindergarten class singing a Pizza song.One verse in this song was blurping...the sound that cheese makes on a pizza when it is being cooked. Very cute and all that but what amazed me later was when we were praying as a family, Nick thanks God that we can move from blurping to praising God. OK... I nearly burst out laughing which would not be inappropriate as I am sure God enjoyed the humor but Nick was completely serious and I wanted him to not feel like he had done something wrong..because it was so right. We all move from blurping to praising God and maybe that blurping was praising God in the only way a five year old is able.Sometimes I feel like my grown up praising makes about as much sense as blurping. I am thankful that God understands blurps when the intention is praise.

On another note...the in your face Christmas music continues to blare its insidious noise into our home. There are a few hours of peace between midnight and 4:30AM. We are wearing earplugs and shutting all our shutters. This makes for a nice stuffy night in the tropics. I am so looking forward to interior where there is NO MUSIC. I don't sound irritated do I :).

On this first Week of Advent...Joy! May the joy of this season be found in all that is simple: The first snow, the excitement of small children, the warmth of the fire, the lights that work after a year in storage, the first Christmas card from a dear friend, the silence of the morning with the warm cup of coffee in the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights. Joy...may He come into your home this year.


Lisa said...

It's funny, the Christmas music here does not blare like there, and yet I still find myself annoyed because it starts so early and I want to choose my own. I did make a remarkable discovery the other morning though... I have been lamenting the "Christmas" music in the stores and yet found myself singing with the radio on Saturday. The difference? On the radio was "Hark the Herald Angels" and in the stores is "Frosty" and "Silver Bells". So I guess my annoyance has root in commercialization, not in the celebration of a small child, heralded by angels, worshipped by kings, and sent to save a desperate and dying world. The white Christmas we dream of is not on the ground, but in the air. What a difference to realize! Sorry... rambled and musing, I may have to add this to my own blog! I have been lurking, busier than usual and trying not to fail a semester of classes, I have been reading and keeping up to date, and I have been praying for your peace, both in your ears (music) and in your hearts (Winzig). Many blessings to you my dear friend!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, you'll appreciate this bit of irony. When living in Manila, my first homestay was in a cramped little room above a dry-goods store and across the street from a karaoke bar. Those Filipinos love them some late-night karaoke. So you know what I had to play on my CD player, every night, to help drown out the noise outside?

Yup, Christmas music. The louder the better! That's my touching holiday story...