Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cross that bridge.....

I have always liked the phrase...we will have to cross that bridge when we get to it. What happens though if that bridge when we get there looks a bit like this one. What if the bridge we eventually have to cross is scarier then the road getting there? This bridge was a good 100 feet above the raging river and as you can see, some of the slats aren't quite joined. What happens when the bridge you have to eventually cross defines what you fear?
Getting older, getting sick, being insignificant, loosing loved ones, loosing your job etc, some bridges are amazingly scarier then the road leading up to it.
In our group of 19 students we had several who loved the challenge of these bridges and some who lay awake at night dreading when we would have to cross. Inevitably on that fateful day when we had to cross, as a group we applauded the daring, encouraged the fearful and all got across. The fearful amazed that they could and the daring wanting to do it again. I think what made the journey across successful was the company of both. Those who could encourage those who couldn't. Maybe thats the key, it isn't the condition of the bridge but the company of the travelers. It's all about community...the company you keep.
OK...I am waxing maybe not so eloquent. Maybe I realize that as a MK, I need to figure out my community and soon. I see a lot of bridges ahead.

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