Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Morning...

I heard on the news this AM that the Atheist in the world have split into two different factions. One's that turn to ridicule those who believe and the others who want to engage in dialogue. One is called the fundamentalist atheists and the other a more kinder, gentler version. I am still wondering what to do with this kind of information.
I could not fall asleep last night till late so as a result this morning came early. It was dark and cold in the definitely a Monday morning.
Nick came home with all sorts of stories from his hunting trip. What he is most proud of is the shooting of a small squirl and the subsequent skinning. mangy pelts in the house, we already have a pheasant in the freezer.
I can't seem to engage myself into gear this AM...something is absent.
I think my last post was a bit too personal...Oh well...
It is Monday Morning...


Anonymous said...

I understand - I have been known to go into a lot of detail about my topic. A day later, I look at it and feel like I've peeled off all my clothes in front of family and friends. E-ouw - *blushing* But the words can not be gathered back in.

So, shall we take a deep breath, and remember that friends accept us even when more than our warts are showing.
:-o - lew

Sharon said...

Well said Lew!! I relate fully. Although I do not know you personally Heidi, I want to be counted as a friend who accepts you "even more when our warts are showing"!

Let's hope Tuesday is better and move on!