Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Being an orphan

Scott's Dad Jimmie passed away this past Saturday afternoon. At 47 Scott as well as his siblings are orphans. I would think it is like loosing your anchor, being adrift a bit in the world of relationships. This journey began not too many years ago with the death of his mother, Jeannette. As the years have gone by, Jimmie seems to have been dying a little at a time.

From my limited perspective of this Price family, Scott was a good son. The strange part, it is past tense. No longer does he have to/get to honor his parents, esteem his father. A role he has never not been, he now no longer is. This is a strange land to negotiate, of this I am sure.

I know the son but not so much the father. But the son is the father and husband he is because of the love of his father and mother. For them, I will forever be grateful.


Anonymous said...

I just read of Scott's dad's passing - my condolences. I understand. I have been an orphan since July 2008. Life definitely has been different. I didn't realize how much my life focussed around their well-being, how many casual and important decisions were based on their needs or wishes. Mom left first - I silently remembered and thought on her last Saturday, 4 years ago to the day of her burial. Although I had 2 sisters visiting, there seemed to be a silent agreement to not verbalize the significance of the day. Strange, eh?

Les Hon said...

My sympathy to you both on the loss of Scott's dad. My own dad just had a major surgery recently, and seeing moments of frailty has reminded me that he will not be here forever...I shall do more to savor the time. There is so much to thank God for in our parents.