Saturday, February 6, 2010

A different kind of measuring cup

I was sitting across from a dear friend..."I think you are measuring success by the worlds measuring cup rather then by God's"...Maybe after all I need a different kind of measuring cup. It seems that every few months I get some news about someone I have known my whole life from Indonesia has passed on. This great cloud of amazing men and women who graced my childhood with stories of boldness are quietly leaving us behind. These men and woman have been my measuring cup. As they boldly go into to the mysterious beyond, my own accomplishments pale in the comparison. These people were and are amazing pioneer missionaries who forsook all, and boldly went where no man had gone before. (Forgive me my Star trek analogies) It would be very hard to duplicate today all that they accomplished in their lifetime. With all our technology, ease of communication, ease of is hard to have it so hard or even to do what no one has done already many times before.
Looking back on my life's' accomplishments using that measuring cup...I relate better with measuring spoons.
They are the great cloud of witnesses, cheering us on but not cheering us to follow their steps. They are not nor would they want to be The measuring cup of spiritual success. Why does this not sink into my tiny little head? Why is this truth not setting me free? Why is it that what I do never seems good enough? Why when I am comfortable, I am restless?
Circumstances have hemmed us into a seeming predictable life...As the lines close in around me I want to stand up and shout at the top of my lungs....I CAN'T DO THIS !!!!!! I can't be here, I have to be doing something bigger, braver, bolder then this. But there are no braver, bolder, bigger opportunities then being faithful today in the here and the now. I don't know about tomorrow...Today: run the dog, do our taxes, feed the family, wash the car...I hope the great cloud of witnesses don't get too bored watching me run this race that is set before me...


Anonymous said...

The word "faithfulness" came to mind. Are we called to be heroic--- or faithful? Heroism is likely more intriguing but may not be God's measuring devise. - LEW

Les Hon said...

A quote from Abraham Lincoln helps my perspective on this:
"God must love the common man. He made so many of them."
There are so many more of us trying to do the mundane to the glory of God, than there are heroes making large contributions. I would rather make the large contribution, but I remind myself that God values the common man as He does the uncommon.