Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bits of bread

Scott and I were talking about God's interest in our personal every day lives. It is hard at times to think that the immensity of God is at all concerned for the finiteness of me. Everyone tells me this is true but in the riding to school, running the dog, figuring out breakfast...I still find it hard to believe there is a divine interest in me and my ho hum life. I asked Scott about this and he said we just need to look for the bread crumbs...which reminded me of that time that Jesus talked to the Canaanite woman. ( Matthew 15) She was wanting her child to be healed and Jesus in one of the more strange response seems to insult her by telling her he is really there for the Jews...it is a strange un-Jesus like response and though I have heard and read many reason why and how, I only want to think about is her response. "But even the dogs get the crumbs off the masters table"...She seems to recognize Jesus' point and makes one of her own. I like this...I am this woman. I am not saying that I am less but I am certainly not on the edge of God's Kingdom work. I am a vessel of ignoble use not noble...I am not Moses, or Paul, or Lydia, or any other named character in the Bible...I am one of the crowd, the many, the church. I am that unnamed women who knows Jesus well enough to know that he will not overlook my anonymity. My value to Him is not predicated on my culture, credibility, charisma, character, cash, career or color.
I am of value apart from my position in this society. I am of value outside the realm of human accomplishment.
Those bead crumbs from the table...nourish me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever asked God to give you a picture of how He sees you? I believe that He wants us to be aware of how He views us as individuals.

I have also asked Him the question, "Show me where am I in relation to where You are?" The picture isn't always the same. I've learned important info as He has shown me where I am in our relationship.

One time I saw an image of myself as a little girl sucking my thumb, and understood that I was sad about something. It led to us discussing why I was sad and what needed to be done to bring peace and health to my emotions again.

I wish I took the time to dialogue with Him more frequently - I'm the one who loses. He longs to commune with each of us. "Be still and know ..." is a challenge I need to take more often.
