Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Might as well be me

In my last post I shared how difficult it is to talk about our personal faith...I might as well start. As you know by now Scott has been working away from home for about 8 months now. The last 7 weeks he has not been able to come home on the weekends because he has been working 12 hour days seven days a week. It is harvesting season , it will come to an end but I am finding something strange happening in our relationship. We talk to each other every day but we have less to say. His world and my world don't Venn diagram anymore. We have no intersecting areas, not even with the children. I can try and explain what is going on here and he there but the distance has become more then just miles. It isn't lack of interest or lack of love or lack of anything but time together. When you are in sync with someone, communication isn't difficult. Scott and I are out of sync which a week together will remedy. Don't know if that would help with my relationship with God.

The verse in Psalms that tells us to be still and know...that wonderful verse that puts our life on necessary pause...In Hebrew 'be still' means 'Enough' ! Enough and Acknowledge that I am God...not so much a necessary pause but an abrupt command. Stop it...Stop musing, commiserating, doubting, wondering, wishing, wandering away...Enough! Acknowledge God for not being what you expect, not running to your every whim, bigger and better then you imagine, not Santa Clause, apart from your human imagining, outside of it all and inside all at the same time, Macro and Micro, the Grand story of Time and the intimate story of place...

What I know about Scott belays any fears of distance and being out of sync. I know his loyalty to me and his love for me...I know we will both work hard to get back on the same page.
God is asking me to do the same about Him...Enough already , know me..we can get back on track, Anytime!


Anonymous said...

How beautifully put. Your post is a prayer we can all pray. Blessings, friend. avl

Sharon said...

Heidi -
OK - you have again reached inside of me! How do you do that.

A year and a half ago my husband and I finally got together after a 15 month absence! Like Scott he was working away and I had to stay - job, house sale, etc., etc. We talked every day, but like you we found we had less to say - except during the time of our house sale. So I totally understand your feelings and reality. But once home, a good week with just one another brought all the communication back.

Your comments on that verse in Psalms was God's Word to me today. I am guilty as charged at not being still and I presently need to STOP! Thank you!!!