Friday, October 8, 2010

Not talking enough

Scott has been away from home a long time. He used to come home on weekends but for about 5 weeks now he has been away. I have gone to see him for an evening but for the most part...I have been alone with my thoughts. Like this tulip petal on the thoughts when not expressed become quite disconnected. One of my strengths is connectedness...the ability to connect random things, thoughts, happenings, etc. together and make some kind of sense. Another one of my strengths is ideation and intellection...I love to learn new things, think about things and come up with new ideas for about everything.
( Those of you who do not know about these is a psychological profile we have done in our school with students and teachers to have a handle of our 5 major strengths out of 37. It has been very helpful in figuring out who we are from our strengths.)
The problem is that my head becomes very full if husband isn't around to talk brain just gets fatter and fatter. I am an introvert by nature...sitting at home with a good book (gathering more ideas and thoughts) then go out and about. All is well and good and balanced only if husband is here to help drain my thoughts and ideas. He has the patience to listen to me and gently let me know how off base I have become or the best to tell me he has never really thought of it that way.
He has been gone too long...I have been thinking too much...fat head needs patient ears !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wondering how "patient ears" are managing without the regular input they are used to getting.

How much longer before Scot is home for awhile? - lew

Anonymous said...

I am hoping that this weekend he will be home...hoping because with the never knows. I wonder since I am not so good on the phone...we just need to be together again. H