Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A safe place

In class we were discussing normative behavior at LC, this is my Psychology class. A comment by one of the students struck me. "There really are no safe places to express what you really think or feel. One way or the other you will be judged or talked about for what you really think."

I have two Dutch boys in class and they were bemoaning the fact that here in America we all seem so afraid to really say what we are thinking...about politics, religion and sex. I think what we are most afraid to really talk about is our faith...I know this is true in my classes in this Christian school. If I want to shut down a class room quickly all I have to do is ask people to say something personal about their faith. Some will talk about politics, social issues, drinking habits even their sexual escapades but they won't broach their faith with any ten foot pole. It is private, personal and none of your business.

There is a lot of Dutch in me in that I have no hesitation about telling people what I think. I do it less and less though because I have come to realize that so much of the time we aren't really listening to each others point of view but waiting for our soap box to preach. I really don't mind a good discussion about opposing view points but it gets so personal so soon that it is better for the discussion not to even begin. It is kind of sad because we are not listening and learning from each other. We are not being that iron that sharpens iron.
I agree with those students...I also wonder where the safe places are for us adults?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good question. I'm hoping that those who have spouses know that to be a safe place to share. Yet as I write this, I'm aware that I censor much more than I should - at all levels. I think I need some of your Dutch blood, my friend. I know that my journal is the one safe area for me - I can vent and my journal won't tell. However, if I want to get a thoughtful response, the journal isn't talking. Hm-m-m!! - lew