Saturday, November 6, 2010

On another note

I sit and wonder why this information is so relevant to me....I think it is because we never really heard if from our mom (heard some of it) but that if it wasn't important to her...why should it be important to us. OR...I just miss my mom after all these years. As I ponder my daughter I realize no one ponders me...It is OK to miss your Mom no matter how much time passes.


Anonymous said...

Why should you not miss your Mom? She was important to you - and I'm sure that this new information about her and your grandma has re-opened some of the longing you have for relationship with them.

What do you know about your paternal grandmother? She also sounds like an amazing woman- I'd love to read a blog about her life. - lew

Sharon said...

My mom passed away 31 years ago and I think I miss her more today than then. Today I have so many questions only she can answer. Questions I never even pondered that long ago. As I transition into this phase of my life I would value her experiences, insights and counsel. Most of all I would still covet her prayers for me. And she, before me, missed her mom for the same reasons.

So yes, no matter how old you are, how many years pass, you can and do still miss your mom. As for no one pondering you...I often do. And I am sure your daughter will - she just has to grow up more!