Saturday, November 13, 2010

The problem with Envy

We have a dog who is content, that would be Chino. We give him a bone to chew...he sits down and chews it. We have a dog that is never OK with the bone we give her, wants the bone we give to Chino and protects but won't chew hers, this would be Mocha. Whatever Chino has, Mocha wants. She shivers, shakes, growls until we take both the bones and put them away. Right away Mocha relaxes...I think she tells herself...At least no one gets the bone, any bone.
The problem with envy isn't only that we are not content or grateful for what we have, we don't want anybody else to have it either. Mocha would rather not have her wonderful bone if there is any chance that Chino might have a bone as well.
Envy is one of the Big Ten of Do Not's. I see the result of it every day played out in my living room. Chino lives in the joy of the moment, gives and takes freely, chews and enjoys whole heartedly. Mocha..can't enjoy what she has and stresses every moment what Chino has.

I think this is envy...I know it destroys. Every day I have to take away from Chino because Mocha can't deal. Both of them loose out ...that's the problem with envy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said it well - I agree with all you have stated. Envy - a mindset to be avoided. - lew