Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First pure then peace-loving...

Some of the words in today's headlines...dead off Somalia, Iranian warships, cuts off state funding, sale woes deepen, starving NKoreans beg for food, deadly quake...Wisdom is first pure then peace-loving... I don't know about you but when I read the news I personalize the depth of instability and I begin to fray a t the edges. I know there isn't a thing I can do to make things right... but still I feel if I am not praying I am not doing anything. So, I pray...I pray for peace.
The thing is though that there won't be peace...for peace to happen there needs to be wisdom and for wisdom to happen you have to fear God and to fear God means you have to know God and to Know God you have to humble yourself and there-in lies the rub. Humility is as scarce as peace. We will get wisdom when we ask...but you first have to know that ignorance is our default and to ask means you have to know you are ignorant and who want to be ignorant...back to humility.
Oh God please make us aware how ignorant we are to even make peace in our own home let alone this crazy falling apart world.

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