Friday, February 11, 2011

Putting to death...

Death seems to surround especially in winter. There seems to be more funerals to attend and bad news to absorb. There is a death,though, that is necessary.

I am reading a book about self deception and a thought running its course in this book is the idea that when you decided to start putting to death the things that so easily entangle...the decision to begin is the start of the death process for the addiction. Addictions as complex as alcohol to that of approval and praise. We deceive ourselves when we minimize what so easily entangles...I like the idea ,that everything that needs to be overcome, is a process of starts and eventual endings.

I can't help but think about Egypt and its process of getting Mubarak to leave. That man like any addiction did not want to leave his post of power. No matter what seemed to be hurled in his direction, he would not budge until he was pushed. Unrelenting pressure from motivated souls felled the beast. If they had quit or had been intimidated by the fear of the moment, the difficulty of the struggle, they would have been overcome rather then overcame.

I want to get rid of my own Mubarak...sitting in my own Tahrir Square.


Traveller said...

Can I ask...what is the book you're reading?

Anonymous said...

I told me so: Self deception and the Christian Life...Greg Ten Elshof