Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11-1-11 chaotic order

The symmetry of the number 1 will make a wonderful 11th month in the 11 year. The number 1 brings with it clean lines and simple ideas. What is not to like about this number ?
Yesterday evening we had our last JV game and the score was 55 to 19...we are not number 1.
Mijo is trying out for the musical, the lead she is wanting...number 1 star.
The first thing is always the most important...the ubiquitous keeping my family as #1. Or my favorite impossibility, keeping God #1 in my life. I love it when a young teenage couple make their relationship honorable by saying .." God is #1 in our relationship". So I ask.."so, what does making God #1 look like?" umm...we talk about God and pray...

We are always wanting to make our chaos orderly as if putting a number 1 by something will automatically make it most important. Of course my family is #1...Ok, what does that mean? Am I going to divide my day and make sure the majority of my time is spent with my family? That would be a really bad indicator as I spend most of my day at work. Well, then work is #1...well no, because I would drop work at any time to help my family. So time isn't a good indicator of priority. So is money? I guess it would be our home, food , gas and mortgage...That would be #1 in my life but it isn't.
If God is #1...what does that look like? How do I make Him #1? If I pray first thing in the morning does that mean He is #1? What if I pray at mid-morning break a good 5 hours after I wake up?
Nothing is that simple...nothing. We order our time, our projects, our priorities...that is just wanting clean lines, order in our chaos. We need to do lists so we can feel good about our accomplishment...

What I need isn't to make God #1...it is to make it that I am not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did it again - made me think!! Think deeper -- and long!

I've thought about the role of God in life - and wondered if a numbering system is the best measurement.

Does a circle work better? He is the hub, all else has its place in the circle. The wheel of life is only properly balanced when He is dead center.

You will likely find that, as in all pictures and comparisons, this one breaks down.

The phrase "For in him we live, and move, and have our being (exist)" (Acts 17:28) comes to mind. Like a bottle in an ocean, when I submit to God and allow Him to fill me and be my all . . . does that come closer to the relationship with God that is most satisfying?

Like you say, we like to bring order out of chaos. Should the goal be to harness our wills to be totally submissive to Him to the point that the "ocean" is visible inside and outside of the "bottle."

Still pondering - lew