Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Broken ignoble vessels

This has been a week of broken hearts here in the hallways of LC. It is amazing to me how much pain is carried in our broken vessels and how in all of it we still...we still function on some level. Most of us are clay pots of ignoble purposes when we dream to be those of noble purposes. Maybe not so noble, we just want to be treated that way.

Ignoble : baseborn, common, humble, inferior, low, lowborn, lower-class, low-life, lowly, lumpen, mean, plebeian, prole, proletarian, unwashed, vulgar is Miriam defined.

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. 1 Tim. 2:20
Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? Rom. 9:21

This goes against all that we aspire to in our western, we are the best, number 1, better than, society we swim in every day. We don't want to be normal, ordinary, second place, humble, common or inferior. We really believe when we read these verses that we are the gold and silver, never the wood and clay. We are the ones for noble purposes not ignoble...that would just be unfair. Our American culture oozes and perpetuates the idea that we are all above normal, amazingly unique and special. We deserve to have the best because we really are the best. Everyone else can have less...are less.
Something is wrong...because in reality aren't most of us common? We are not so good being ordinary, that one for the common use. It is also hard for us to admit that we may not be the one for noble purposes. As I write this is seems to be go against the grain of thinking how wonderful I am :), I deserve much more ...blah blah blah.
Coming into strikes me how in the story of Jesus ,the ignoble and noble dance so well together. The gold serving the clay, the silver hanging with the wood...always in the same story line. What we are and what we do is just clay and wood. When we are giving our clay and wood to His becomes silver and gold. Ordinary and normal works perfectly in service to Glory.


Anonymous said...

This is a very thoughtful article with huge concepts in it. I admire your ability to articulate abstracts so concretely and clearly. - lew

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you...that means the world to me....lew. H