Saturday, January 14, 2012

A snowy Saturday

It is nice to wake up to snow here in Lynden Town. I don't know if it will shut anything will down but it is here nonetheless. Snow days are most appreciated, though, when they fall on a school day. Snow days on a school day is like a gift of a day where nothing is expected but rest and play , maybe what a Sabbath day was supposed to be.
Our pastor is preaching on how to keep Sabbath and it has made me think on what exactly a Sabbath day looks like for our family. It was/is important to God, it has become one of the less important commandments to us. In our freedom from rules amercian style christianity...we seem to pick and choose what we think is important to keep no matter what God may say about it all. He thought keeping a Sabbath was REALLY important...right up there with not killing, or stealing or committing adultery which we think is REALLY important.
In our efficient way of doing things we have condensed Sabbath to a two hour Service in the morning and if we really want to keep Sunday a 2 hour service Saturday night. I know Sabbath is its fundamental self. I also know that no matter what day we designate as Sabbath it looks a lot like a normal Saturday, errands, chores and catch up.
The reason we like a snow day in the middle of the week is because what we were supposed to accomplish suddenly is not can all wait and we can sit around with each other and play and rest and enjoy. That's Sabbath!


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine what would happen if God needed to use snow because He knew that we didn't have a full-day Sabbath scheduled in a 7 day period? There could be quite a collection eh? -lew

Les Hon said...

True...We need more Sabbath observance like that!