Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hair - do blues

Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life.  -Romans 8:6 (MSG) I've ruined my hair for the foreseeable future. About two months ago I went in for a color and came out with nothing changed. Strike one... I went in for a perm the other day...a usually wonderful turn for my hair which likes to curl haphazardly on it's own but with a good perm, curls gracefully. I walked out of the salon with haphazardly frizzy...strike two. Then with this huge mane of hair , I got some layers put in to make it manageable which magnified the bad perm in frightening ways...strike three.  I have come very very close to shaving my head and starting over but I don't have cancer and don't want people to assume that I do. My hair...a wonderful combination from my parents has befuddled me for most my life. I have changed hairstyles and fretted over products too often to count. I am vain...I hate this about me.  I am thankful for a hair straightener ... I will be frying my over processed hair until it grows out or I give up.  I am thankful it is the start of the summer...maybe it will shape up before school starts. Or not... Everyone has a story about a bad hair experience...I've had too many and     now one more.  Obsession with self is really a dead end...


Anonymous said...

Scripture says something about a woman's hair is to be her "glory" - my experience can be best described if you remove the "l" from that word. Gory - messy - frustrating!! Yup that is how it is here - so I hear you and sympathize. Maybe someday we will both have the fulfilment of that promise about "glory" - at least I hope for that. - lew

Anonymous said...

all the sudden I better about always being in uniform with my hair scraped back =] Miss you!!! Lisa