Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Heart and Soul

 I want to be a runner. I hate running. Running seems the quickest avenue to being fit, my family all runs, it seems a good way to stave off the extra pounds that are supposed to arrive uninvited as I enter my middle year and last but not at all least...runners are cool. I still hate running.
So I bought an App...Couch to 5K. In X number of weeks if I follow the automated extremely motivated voice on my IPod I will effortlessly run a 5K. We will see...though I realize this about myself, I really don't like to be told what to do by anyone or now, anything. BUT...I want to be a runner even though I hate running. I will abide and do what little tin voice tells me to do.

So that will take care of my soul on the other hand also needs come impetus to be disciplined. I don't hate the Word...this is good but I have been slack in my reading and listening and praying disciplines. So I think if I run for my heart, I will read for my soul...this works in tandem I think. A two pronged effort into the small disciplines that affect the largeness of living.

I also have an App for that. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is it going? - lew