Monday, June 25, 2012

Out there...

 ... somwhere.

Facebook and now Pintrest creates in me an unsettled feeling. As I observe through updates and pictures the travels of others, the creative ideas implemented and the great new ideas I think I have somehow missed the great somewhere out there. If I am not traveling with abandon I am missing the global secrets of life. If I am not creating a new space, redefining my body in a new shape or being with a best friend over a creatively designed centerpiece full of flowers and shiny objects. I have somehow missed If I don't see worth in every day or every person...or take that specific picture that encapsulates everything...I have missed a grand opportunity. Is it me or have we become as a whole voyeurs of others’ lives while at the same time being dissatisfied with our own?  
 I posted once that Facebook makes me interested in lives I would have never even thought about. It also makes me judgmental, irritated, jealous, condescending, compassionate, anxious and aware on a level of community that will never be a reality. Is this healthy...or am I like everything overthinking and overanalyzing. Well, I am not around people very much in the summer  and I have a lot of thinking time...Maybe I am.


Traveller said...

Good stuff to think about!!

Traveller said...

Actually...I thought stuff like this earlier when "Survivor" and other reality shows started coming out... We watch and enjoy others' adventures, when maybe we should be living our own. And yet there are so many ways to do this. Lately I've noticed for myself...certain parts of life have been challenging with no solution in sight for a long time... I've started avoiding, and not just reading a novel for a break, but reading way too many. Easier to get lost in someone else's story, then figure out how to live mine well.