Monday, September 17, 2012

random opinionated thoughts

I am so tired of playing nice to the radical Muslims of the world and in saying that am I now a target?  I would ask as God says, that revenge belongs to theirs not big enough to take care of being insulted? Revenge is mine says the Lord...Why do they believe it is theirs?

Politicians cannot tell the truth...don't know the truth...are unable to see the truth...don't care about the truth. It is hard to believe anything that comes out of any of the talking heads.

I think the biggest misunderstood aspect of Obama is that he is not of this culture or of any, really. He is a third cultured person, being raised in a culture not his own and really not knowing where he belongs.  Being a TCK myself, I get his ambiguity because fundamentally he has no loyalty. Loyalty to a culture is what differentiates those from being on the outside and those who belong.  He has always been one looking in. It isn't right or wrong, it is just what it is. IT is hard though if you are the head of a country where your loyalty to its cultural heritage is ambiguous.

Marriage is hard but worth every and all effort to make it is a direct road to being content.

Trusting God is the hardest aspect of faith not because He isn't trustworthy but because our discomfort doesn't seem to be an aspect of high importance. 

Money, the need for, the desire for, the necessity is a god that runs closest to our need for an idol.

Being a middle age woman has to be the most powerful, overlooked age group in our country. When our looks become secondary to our influence, we seem to garner less attention but more respect.

No matter how much Romney seems the be an answer to some of the woes , it bothers me that he is and will be so easily influenced by the man he thinks is a direct apostle from God, his Elder. That his faith though moral in its behavior is exclusive and secretive in its membership.

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