Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Seeing the forest for the trees...

or something like that... Or is it , the trees for the forest...
Someone who "can't see the forest for the trees" has typically become so focused on details that he or she begins to ignore the overall situation. People might also phrase this expression as “you can't see the wood for the trees,” which is the more common form in the UK. A person accused of being unable to see the forest for the trees may want to take a step back from the situation, to regain a wider perspective on a problem.

Oh, google you are so succinct in giving wisdom. The Bible being a bit better on the topic " Teach me to count my days...O God".
" Today when you hear His voice"...
The Bible, it seems, on one hand tells us to keep count of the trees yet on the other hand, tells us to embrace the forest with all the trees.

There seems to be a collective weariness in my home as well as at school. It may be just me as I concentrate so on the day to day that I am losing sight of the Big Picture. 

Myopia isn't healthy or productive or fun or essential or interesting or life giving or beneficial or good. It is easy and lazy to think that my world and my issues are of utmost importance. We are told to lift up our heads...literally when I am walking around and figuratively when I am being myopic. See that the world I have been called to inhabit, the sphere of influence I have been stationed not so much about how comfortable and I happy I am.
 I  have been hugging my personal trees and I need to see the forest I have been called to wander in...Life up your head, Heidi...look around.

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