Monday, September 17, 2012

What should have been said...

What Obama should have said…

As Americans we have always dealt with people in our midst who believes in awkward, divisive, inflammatory and rude opinions. As a government because they are allowed to say it, produce it and celebrate these inconvenient and often times stupidly wrong ideas, I cannot apologize for what I have not said or believe.  I will acknowledge with you that this person’s opinion and his expression of his opinion has offended you and enraged your beliefs.  As an American, I acknowledge his freedom of expression but wholeheartedly express my opinion that what he said and did was offensive and stupid.

I, personally, find it offensive that you have taken this one man’s  obscure, asinine expression as a wholehearted disregard from the majority for what you honor and hold sacred. We are not a target for your anger; we are not an expression of this one man’s opinion. And though we allow his expression of stupidity, we will not allow your expression of physical brutality and anger toward innocent Americans go unanswered.  You may tell us we are stupid and ignorant, but you cannot kill us because you think we are. 

If your governments cannot tell the difference between the two, maybe they also do not need the financial and economic support we have given over these past months and years and decades. We want to be a good neighbor in our global economy but we cannot be held hostage by violence from your radical groups because of some radical ignorant  thinkers on this side of the world...  You may be angry, you may write and scold and harangue…but you cannot kill and destroy, for that we will hold you accountable.

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