Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sound and Fury or a whole lot of stupid

Sunday the 14th: Sound and Fury

Morning in Medan.
cloudy, windy and rainy this AM.

We arrived last night at 10, found our hotel, unwound...I had a lot of unwinding to do as the flights caused much undo panic. The STUPID STUPID phobia of flying struck with vengeance and today my body is sore from the tension of my fears. You have no idea  how bad I feel physically and emotionally about that anxiety. It is what it is, we are HERE.

4AM there are a lot of slamming doors and then the prayer call.Then about an hour later for about an hour we heard flash bangs..or to me in my haziness mortar rounds. Maybe they were fireworks, or the rounding up of the escaped convicts...anyway. LOUD.

HIgh's ....we arrived safely, the hotel is beautiful, Indonesia is the BEST. crippling fear of turbulence, the awkward set up of the airport in Jakarta....under construction and a gong show to maneuver.
I have prayed a lot in the past few days..fear can do that to you :). Today ..we round us all up and drive to the Lake. Looking forward to seeing the Fam. 

Lots of anxiety for little return.  A bit like the never ending check points at the matter where or what or why...we took our passport out, looked through our luggage so many times.  Sound and every time we hit turbulence I feel like the plane will break apart.  security is fine, redundancy is stupid. Fear of flying is just stupid. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi, I enjoy your thoughts. Have a great trip!! Bill C.

PS - Were you at all recognized at Customs as the International Students Director of the Year out of all the Christian schools in North What com County?

Sharon said...

Hurt for you with your fear. Praying in advance for next trip.