Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A hard necessary mission

Look close enough in Creation anywhere and you will find echos and shadows of the Creator's love for beauty. Jesus points us there in his walk about here on earth but probably not in the places you would think. We don't ever read about Jesus gazing at the beauty of a sunset or marveling at the intricacies of a gnarled olive tree. If Jesus was taking pictures of what He thought was the best of creation and the beauty of His handiwork...always people, always people. 
I know He enjoys His creation...and the beauty and color and composition and nuance of design...but it was people, broken, stinky, sick, malformed, bitter, angry, funny looking, volatile people He wanted to be with.
I live in a really beautiful corner of the world. It is pretty magnificent with snow capped mountain, oceans, rivers and tall spectacular trees. We collectively  don't take it for granted and we imbibe in its beauty as often as we can. More often then not I have heard people say that they feel closest to God when they are out in His creation. I am sure , they don't mean people. Maybe being with people is where God should be most understood.
I think that the driving motivation of Gods kingdom is restoring, rebuilding, cherishing, establishing relationships with him and with others, period...that is it...all it is...all the time.
I think the driving motivation for the  anti-god is breaking, tearing away, isolating, using and abusing relationships...all the time.
You want to know what God wants you to do with your life...what He did/does with  His; healing, establishing, building, mending, strengthening relationships. It is in building communities , being inclusive not exclusive, forgiving, serving, showing hospitality.
If you are an introvert, it is stretching your comfort zone and making the initiative.
If you are an extrovert, it is listening more and seeking the other into your circle of friends.

For this introverted soul it is a hard , necessary  mission.


Les Hon said...

Nice...Thanks for the provocation of thought.

Anonymous said...

A good point. How do you make it happen? - from an introvert who struggles to do that necessary mission. ~ lew