Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Look and Odd T-shirts

At home, usually this time of the year, I rearrange the furniture to prepare for the fall. Move the sofa closer to the fireplace etc. Here, I am rearranging the blog site. Not quite the same but close enough.
Scott does not have malaria, he had a nasty virus that cleaned him out. He is back at work today but as a result we had a very quiet weekend. It rained on Sunday, one of those nice strong almost can't hear each other talk rains. The air and the grasses are now washed clean.
I took several girls to our new mall this Saturday. When I say new mall, you would be surprised how amazing this place is just down the hill from the school. It is really nice and though it isn't quite finished they have opened up the stores that are ready to go. There is a clothing store there which sells pretty much anything you may need and really funny T-shirts. The one I picked up said and I quote " Life does not begins at forty" ALSO "Blessed are they that hunger and thirsty" AND Again, "Don't hate me because I am beautiful, hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am" and last but not least, the most subtle one there, "Lets get Drunk".
As I continue my pursuit of wisdom from T-shirts I will pass them on to you.


Unknown said...

THANK GOODNESS SCOTT DOESN'T HAVE MALARIA!!! I am doing my mother bit here (okay, he is after all my nephew, so I am allowed).

NOW, I am also wondering what you mean by "healthwise we are all coping with something"! How frustrating to feel like a mom and not be in a position to give instructions!

Lisa said...

so glad to hear that Scott doesn't have malaria but bummed for him that now that he can't be a "real missionary" yet!! I also think that I need that tee-shirt that talks about the boyfriend... pretty funny... it actually reminds me of one of our former students, but he would have needed one that said girlfriend. I won't name any names but you might be on my wavelength! Keep the shirt wisdom coming, it brings smiles!!