Wednesday, March 5, 2008

And then they left...again

My folks left this AM after being here for several months. Their little house in the Mbua is empty again. I know they left wishing that they could stay but what they were able to accomplish in these few months has been inspiring. I am humbled at the significance of their work with the Nduga people and the encouragement they have been to the Pastors and Health workers. They have stayed in rustic places and patiently worked through issues with countless number of men and women who needed wisdom. Last night was a great picture of what happened over and ever again in their day. All morning till 3 PM they were in Abe with students who wanted to air their grievances and complaints. They came home and took a quick nap because at 4 the house began filling up with men and women who wanted to say their good-by's. During this time while Scott and I are filling glasses of juice for the company, the Jordan's came over to work through some financial details. While that was going...4 little girls came over to check on the kitten. At one time we had 14 people who were in our house and 10 of them their for my folks. It was about 7 PM, I was wondering when and if anyone would be leaving only to find out that they would leave when Scott went to pick up supper and pick up a book that had been printed. When everything finally settles down, Moses text messaged from Timika and Elfrieda learns a new technology. It is a strange thing when all the Nduga's have cell phones and Dad and Elf still don't own one. They are becoming more technology savvy then the missionaries who led them out of the stone age. What really shook my perception was the afternoon before we had a Nduga man try and sell us something on a pyramid scheme. An Amway moment in the jungles of Papua...there is something surreal about it all. And all the while
So all is quiet on the western front...Mbua, Mapnduma, Paro, Jigi, Wosak...and many many more villages all going back to their routine. Dad and Elfrieda flying back to theirs. We have participated from the sidelines in this reunion of old has been so very good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must be so special to watch the impact and relationship that your Dad and Elf had during their years in ministry. I am still chuckling over the texting that Moses did to Elf - the circle of teaching seems to have been completed. Have a good weekend - LEW