Friday, March 14, 2008

The good and the bad and the very sad

Remember all the good? All the wonderful things that happened in the Mbua? As the heaviness of sadness descends on our little corners what has happened in the past dims with new events. Several missionary families here in Papua have been threatened, intimidated and slandered by a break away church demanding its right to spread poison and greed. Not only the missionaries but many of the church leaders...yet at the same time there are churches being born and growing and thriving in unity. It all happens at the same time and on any given day it can be good news, bad news and sad news. I often feel unsettled on how to respond if at the moment good news comes I am mourning the sad. Or bad news comes when I am rejoicing in the good.

Growing up has its up sides but the older you get the more varied the news and deeper the impact. In your corner I am sure you live in the same quandary on any given day...maybe that is why we share our burdens, our delights our sorrow...we have to remember what is right when it is bad, comfort when it is sad and perspective when it is good. It is sharing with me sharing with you walking this uncertain path together.

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