Nick came home yesterday wanting to be home schooled. We have talked often about this because one, I am a teacher and two I don't have that heavy of a schedule and three... it would save money and four, Nick is having a hard time in the 7th grade. You would think going to a private school would lessen the angst of junior high, unfortunately this is sadly not true. The teachers are wonderful not only in their perspective and teaching, it's the rotten kids :). At Nick's chess tournament on Saturday he was told why no one likes him in his class. Love that encouragement! So Nick is a bit of a wounded soldier. Maybe there is some merit in taking him out of the fray, protect him from the semi bad world out there...But ,if I continue to protect him from the ways of this world how will he know how to be in this world while not being of this world?
Nick's pleasure is war. I know that sounds bad, but for all the men and mothers of boys out there, it makes sense. He reads about the wars, watches shows on battles, makes models of the planes and tanks. He is rather well read on the subject and loves more then anything to go to a museum to see old anything of war. On the way to school this morning I asked Nick if he could envision being in JH like being in a battle. He will get shot at, he will have to hunker down...but once in awhile he will overcome and win. I asked him to collect the good and destroy the bad. This resonates with him...but as he was about to get out of the car I said quietly...unfortunately Nick...we have to love our enemies. He looked at me...then I said..maybe for now we can just respect the enemy and treat them with kindness. As a man in today's culture he will have to know how to battle well, fight fair and overcome...maybe JH is a good a place as any to learn. He can always come back to headquarters at the end of the day and get his MRE's and rest for the next foray. ARGH...this is hard on his Comanding Officer, his Company Commander on the other hand is all over the battle plan.
Heidi - Its so helpful to use Nick's interest in military as you encourage him. From a spiritual standpoint, is this the time to talk about the spiritual armour that is available to us? Pray!Kids has an issue on the subject You can view the issue and it may give you ideas that are helpful.
You are wise to use JH as a training ground because he needs to become equipped for the rest of life. May you and he have wisdom and direction as you go to war in grade 7. - lew
Oh the joys of junior high, where most everybody feels poorly about themselves, and some make themselves feel "better" by making someone else feel worse...Wise mom, you, to frame the issue as you did...Soldier on, Nick -- and Mom too...It hurts when our kid hurts!
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