Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What we throw away

Nick had to do a plot study for his science class so he went down to the creek and made a six week study on what happened. Over the six weeks, this bike was his object of interest...I wondered...1.what is a bike doing in the creek 2. why is the bike in the creek 3. who would think to throw a bike in the creek 4. why didn't Nick take the bike out of the creek.
Why would someone throw a bike away, it is still valuable.
In Papua ,Ibu Senti, the lady who helped us take care of our house always went through our garbage before she burned it in the fire pit...inevitable she gathered things she could use. I could never guess what she could do with what I threw away but she saw value in my garbage. In college i Chicago we called it dumpster diving...going through the garbage by expensive apartments complexes...we did the same thing. Found what was valuable in what others saw as refuse. I remember at OE last year we left almost everything behind...dirty clothes off our backs that we would never wear again but would be used with enthusiasm by the people of Eipomek.
Disposable people, disposable women...all over the world women are being used up then thrown away... Mijo calls me a feminist...unfortunately that word does not carry positive implications in the conservative world where I live. Maybe I am...but maybe I need to define what that means to me. Semantics is key to understanding intentions. Being a feminist is knowing that God created women in His image ..Male and Female He created them...I think many men have forgotten that stamped all over women is the same image of God stamped all over them.
Women's place is in the home...why wouldn't it be a mans place as well? She is not less to be at home, but why would it be less for a man to be? Women can't be a preacher...why? If Jesus is head of the church are we all not under His authority nor matter what role/gift we use in the body? These are just two areas that I see the value of women and men being undermined by what we think is valuable.

It's the bike in the creek all over again...we can't continue to throw away what is valuable, not here, not there, not anywhere!

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