Tuesday, August 11, 2009

7th inning stretch

I have always thought that baseball games run too long. I keep telling Scott that they need to end in the 5th inning or at the very latest the 7th but the 9th....it just makes for a long and very tedious event. Nothing exciting happens until the end anyway so cut it off sooner and get it over quicker. As you can tell I am not that big a fan of baseball games but there is merit in the suggestion. Nice of them to let us all stretch during or after the 7th inning. I really don't know because I have stretched many times before the 7th inning and will have left viewing the game even before that 7th marker.
We have hit seven years in our marriage. It really does not seem that long compared to my peers who are nearing their 20th or 25th even. I feel we have packed a lot in theses 7 to count for more. We don't have an itch as much as we need a stretch. It seems unlike a baseball game the action has been non-stop since we have said 'I do' that at the moment we need an 'OK already'. Our start was a bit shaky and to be honest I knew we would last due to the stubborn streak of my husband but I did not think we would have a good lasting...I remember him telling me that he wasn't leaving so we could have a bad marriage or a good marriage but we were having a marriage until one of us died...it was up to us. He was hoping for a good one since he has waited 40 years to get married.
So we are at our seventh inning stretch and good news...we are getting to the place where we have a good marriage. We could use some less turbulent times but maybe that is what has made us forge something worth-while. I have no idea what will transpire in the years ahead, good or bad. I hope for good times to out weigh the bad but I am confident in the companion I joined 7 years ago. We are at least looking forward and not so much inward...not working so hard to get along that we get along quite well. I am so grateful for Scott's tenacity and God's grace...Now, lets just get back to the game.


Unknown said...

Heidi...........I would like to see you. Is it better to do it in August or wait till September when the kids are back in school?

Anonymous said...

Another well written piece! Good job! - lew

Anonymous said...

We knew from the moment we met Scott that he was perfect for you! :)