Tuesday, March 9, 2010


In class right now I have several Chinese students talking about something. I can't figure out if they are mad, sad or just giving out information. Often I try and listen and figure out what is going on just by their tone...most often their babbling is just that. I hear different accents in Chinese now...though I have no idea what is being said. This language is so much a part of my day though it is familiar, I have no idea what is being said. How long would I have to listen before I really begin to understand? I can't even pick up individual words at the moment...but I know it is Chinese.
I often think that this is how I hear God. He is speaking all the time, I recognize His accent but I have no idea what He is trying to communicate. When I read His word...the stories flow over me like a fresh spring creek...but do I understand what I am suppose hear? Often times I really think He is shouting in Chinese and I don't have a translator. I hear the familiar babble of sound pouring from His creation, I don't hear His words. Never to insinuate that God babbles , my Chinese students know what they are saying to each other. They are not ignorant of their ability to communicate in their language...I just don't know it.
So how do I learn the language of God? Does He speak English?


Anonymous said...

Heidi - I just read your blog moments after I sent the following quote to my 14 year old grandson, "How can we hear God? Usually hearing God means that our hearts receive an idea from Him. Here’s an example: I can point to the sky and say out loud, “The sky is blue.” But I can also close my eyes and say silently in my mind, The sky is blue. To me, the words said in my mind are just as clear as those spoken out loud. They are real words, even though my ears can’t hear them. When we hear like this from God, it is called the “still small voice of God” (Dick Eastman).

Is that helpful? - lew

about the long and winding road... said...

you are always helpful...and hearing God's voice and hopig it isn't just wishful thinking is a process I need to understand. H

Anonymous said...

Don't you think God speaks the language of his children? Think about when your babies were little; you knew what they were saying even though no one else did. You even knew them so well that you could predict what they needed before they asked. I think that is the perfect picture of God knowing and speaking our language. Dawn